What does it feel like when you are doing the real job yet it is someone else who gets merits? Well, women behind the cameras experiece this everyday.
Women Behind the Camera is an independent documentary film featuring women who were and are working as camera women in film industry from over 100 countries. When the director was asked about the reason doing such a project, she said it was for herself and her fellow female colleges.
Prejudice towards women in social areas are prevalent, not mentioning in industries like film and journalists. When I set up my mind to be a photographer during my university years, my mentor Mr. Hong told me that to fulfill this dream may take away everything in my life. I thought he was just joking in a serious way. And it turned out that I was toally wrong, and the truth there is that I cannot break the glass ceiling all by myself.
According to a report carried out by Global Media Monitoring Project in 108 countries, women are still significantly underrepresented and misreprented in news media coverage.
This is not even a surprise.The report with a title 'Who Makes News' revealed that news media show significant gender bias with 46 percent of news stories reinforcing gender stereotypes while 13 percent of news stories focused centrally on women.
This reminds me of many scenes and things. Like the girl I met on tube today, she was wearing a black gown covering her whole body except her bright eyes. Like my favourite novel Wuthering Heights' author Ms. Bronte had to publish her novel in a man's name. Well, prejudice has been exited for such a long time that a lots of women have already got used to it.
Put on your heels and let's fight. And things would change. According to the report, female reporters are responsible for 37% of stories compared to 28% fifteen years ago, adn their stories challenge gender stereotypes twice as often as stories by male reporters.
It is slow yet it is improving. When women behing the cameras could get the same reputation as their fellow male colleges, that would be the end of the story!