

Apparently, Brits love Coldplay. They even use their songs in really formal and big event, like when Ed Milliband was chosen to be the new head of the Labour party this year.

It is interesting anyway. Why would such a band become so influencial and popular among the whole society?

When Coldplay promounced that they would have a few charity shows around the Christmas time this year, some of my colleges even cheered in our news room - it has been a long time since their last performance. According to the band, they have been occupied preparing for their fifth album.

Well the good news is that they are finally ready to release their "concept album" now. 

I have been listening to Coldplay when my university life officially begun: after a hang-out along with a few sophomores, one of them introduced the band to me. Back then I have always been a huge fan of classic music and New Age as well.

And Chris Martin's amazing falsetto grasped me immediately. I guess it was Yellow. Being a Coldplay fan is fantastic. And I love Gwyneth Paltrow too.

Viva la vida is a big success. Love Reign of Love the most. Just love them. Wave your "live long and prosper" gesture, guys!!

